My Children’s Plays are at Lazy Bee Scripts!

Lazy Bee Scripts

Thank you Bethany Edwards for sharing!

Thanks for Sharing!

I tend to forget that my seven plays are all available at

They are for elementary school students, for K-4, and Bethany had her students perform one of them while overseas…

This information is also on my Blog at   

The plays are written for elementary school classroom performances, where each student has at least one line.  Most of them have been co-authored with my daughter, Kerry E. Gallagher, who is an elementary school teacher.  It is very rewarding to work with one’s daughter!!!

The link for the plays is There have been many purchased performances already,  in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, as well as Ireland, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Botswana, Poland, Spain, Ireland, Singapore, Philippines, Australia, Austria, India, Turkey,  United Arab Emirates, and Cambodia!  Please search for Sherrill S. Cannon at the website.

Have You Seen My Little Lamb? by  Sherrill S. Cannon

Mary has brought her lamb to school and now the lamb is lost. Mary, with the help of Mother Goose, meets many storybook friends as she searches for her lost lamb.

Roles: 24 (9 female, 8 male, 7 non-specific)

This play is suitable for grades 1-3 and has been performed by classroom students several times! The play is designed to accommodate ALL the students in the classroom, and each student has at least one line (but sometimes with a classmate, for the shy ones!)

The King’s Spell by Sherrill S. Cannon and Kerry E. Gallagher

Something is not right in Mother Goose Land, when Old King Cole casts a spell on the characters. Mother Goose wanders through the kingdom finding everything mixed up until she can prevail upon the King to remove his spell.

Roles: 30 (7 female, 8 male, 15 non-specific)

This play is suitable for grades 2-4 and has been performed by classroom students several times! The play is designed to accommodate ALL the students in the classroom, and each student has at least one line (but sometimes with a classmate, for the shy ones!)

When You Wish Upon a Star…fish by Sherrill S. Cannon and Kerry E. Gallagher

A little girl (or a little boy) finds a starfish while she is walking on the boardwalk and throws it back while making a wish that she could see what is under the sea. The play continues with the starfish introducing the little girl to different sea creatures, who each tell her a little about themselves. This play is educational in nature, and can easily be used in connection with a classroom project about undersea life.

Roles: 26 (all 26 are non-specific. The main character “Little Girl” can be changed to “Little Boy” if desired.)

This play is suitable for grades 3 & 4 and has been performed by classroom students several times! The play is designed to accommodate ALL the students in the classroom, and each student has at least two lines (but sometimes with a classmate, if there are shy ones!)

The Wonderful World of Weather by Sherrill S. Cannon and Kerry E. Gallagher

A bird family starts the play, which continues through the different weather scenarios as they go through the seasons, and the bird family concludes the play returning to their nest at home. This play is educational in nature, and can easily be used in connection with a classroom project about the weather.

Roles: 40 (all 26 are non-specific except for the Mother and Father Bird and the Mother and Father.)

This play is suitable for grades 3 & 4 and has been performed by classroom students several times! The play is designed to accommodate ALL the students in the classroom, and each student has at least two lines (but sometimes with a classmate, if there are shy ones! Some lines can be combined if there are not enough students.)

ABC December by Sherrill S. Cannon and Kerry E. Gallagher

This play is seasonal, and must be performed in December, but it is about the month of December and not just a “holiday” play. It includes many different customs and celebrations.

Roles: 26 (all 26 are non-specific) Can be expanded, by having two children share one of the stanza.

This short play is suitable for grades 1-2 and has been performed by classroom students several times! The play is designed to accommodate ALL the students in the classroom, and each student has at least two lines (but sometimes with a classmate, if there are shy ones! Some lines can be combined if there are not enough students.)

NOTE:  This play has been included in the new JoAnn Ross Christmas in Shelter Bay, as part of the Christmas on Main Street release.  Very exciting!

We Have Character! by Sherrill S. Cannon and Kerry E. Gallagher

This play is all about the ways in which children learn character traits through reading. (The traits are exemplified by suggested books, referenced in the Notes at the end of the play.) Each child (or pair of children) comes center stage to tell about the particular character traits of their book: Being Trustworthy, Being a Good Listener, Accepting of Others’ Differences, Caring, Working Together, Being a Good Friend , Thinking of Others, Being Fair, Having Good Judgment, Truthfulness, Being Patient, Never Giving Up, Perseverance, Being Helpful, Showing Respect, Having a Positive Attitude, Having Courage, Sharing, Showing Compassion, Being True to Self, Not Afraid to Make a Mistake, and Being Confident are all included. This play is educational in nature, and should be used in connection with a classroom project involving reading the suggested books.

Roles: 26 Minimum, All non specific. There are 25 books, plus a narrator for the introductions and ending. These roles can be divided to include more students, and was originally performed by combined first grade classes.

The play is suitable for grades 1-3 (determined by book reading levels) and has been performed quite a few times. The play is designed to accommodate ALL the students in the classroom, and each student has at least one line.

The Alphabet Trip: by Sherrill S. Cannon

The title explains the material of this short play, introducing children to the alphabet as well as to the world of theatre!

This play requires 26 children, and has usually been staged in collaboration with more than one class.

It is best for First Grade, although it has been performed once by a couple of kindergarten classes combined.

Each child or set of children says a couplet for the letter of the alphabet, and with young children it is usually easier to have two children go forward to say the lines together – or each say one of the lines if the children are brave!

If you know of any elementary schools interested in children’s plays, please refer them to my site!

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