Monthly Archives: November 2013

I love this comment…

Ashlyn with Aunt Cassandra, my Junior Reviewer!!

Ashlyn with Aunt Cassandra, my Junior Reviewer!!

Thank you for this comment, Donna… This means more to me than I can say…This is what it’s all about!!!

“…We love you. You gave us a 3 year old child that wants to read books with us. Until we had your books, she would not sit down to read any book. Now Ashlyn comes up and begs us to read the books to us. Thank you again.”

“Santa’s Birthday Gift”…What Santa gives, not gets!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Yes, I know Christmas is not yet here, and we all have lots to be thankful for, and I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!…

But the birth of Jesus is something we are all thankful for also, and it makes Thanksgiving even more special to anticipate what is coming next!

So as Christmas approaches,  I thought I’d share once more the Santa’s Birthday Gift YouTube trailer, reminding everyone of the reason for the season…

(After I read the story of the Nativity to my grandchild, she asked, “But where’s Santa?”  which inspired this story…)

Please click to watch the video:  Santa’s Birthday Gift Video

Cassandra Calkins…Awesome!

Ashlyn with Aunt Cassandra, my Junior Reviewer!!

Ashlyn with Aunt Cassandra, my Junior Reviewer!!



Thanks Cassandra, for being such a wonderful role-model for your niece, but also for setting such a outstanding example of what a teenager can accomplish, even suffering with Juvenile Myositis and Juvenile Arthritis… She has such a positive outlook on life!  She is also quite a talented dancer in spite of her arthritis, and her group’s presentation at the school football game was awesome!

Please take a look at her Facebook Page, especially her bio about her diseases:

You will be amazed!  (PS – She is also one of my Junior Reviewers!)

The Alphabet Trip is now available on Lazy Bee Scripts!

Lazy Bee Scripts

Lazy Bee Scripts

My seventh published play is now available on Lazy Bee Scripts:

The Alphabet Trip by Sherrill S. Cannon

This is a play for the very young (kindergarteners and/or first graders) and each child has at least one line.  There are suggested songs to go with the performance as well.

Please take a look if you get a chance…

My six other children’s plays are available on the site as well – all for elementary school student productions…  Enjoy!!!

Please Add the CureJM Fundraiser to your Christmas list…give a gift that keeps on giving!

Addie Likes My Books

Addie Likes My Books

A reminder for the holidays that all of my award-winning children’s books are part of a Fund Raiser for the CureJM Foundation…

I thought I’d share with you the video that SBPRA made for me last year, for little Addie of Addie’s Angels, and her need to find a cure for this incurable children’s disease…

Please click here to watch the YouTube video:

Then please go to where 50% of the cost of my books goes to the CureJM Foundation.  Purchasers can also leave a name to be included in my next children’s book to be released in 2014!  Please help us find a cure!

Thanks to Smitty at Christian Book Marketing for the nice mention


What Santa gives, not gets!

What Santa gives, not gets!

Sherrill S. Cannon as a multi-published and multi-award winning author has written five rhyming children’s books that have won a total of seventeen national awards since 2011!
Each book is unique and themes may differ; yet all her books weave a common thread of respect, manners, kindness and appropriate behavior for young children. Santa’s Birthday Gift, in particular, sheds light on the meaning of Christmas and includes a fascinating tale of Santa as a stargazer led to Bethlehem to discover the meaning of the birth of baby Jesus.  Enchanting and delightful, this book was written for her granddaughter who asked where was Santa when reading the Nativity scene.
With rhyming stories, each is colorfully illustrated and young children, along with their parents, will enjoy being entertained by the captivating rhyming story lines.  With such titles as: The Magic Word, Manner Man, Peter and the Whimper Whineys, Gimmie Jimmy and Manner Man, all of Sherrill Cannon’s books are sure to invigorate young readers imaginations!  All of her books are recommended for children between the ages of 3 and 9.
Pick up Santa’s Birthday Gift at Amazon today to share the birth of Baby Jesus for those little ones that still believe in Santa!
Expanding Christianity through the power and reach of Christian Book Marketing.






Nice Note from a Parent about Santa’s Birthday Gift…

What Santa gives, not gets!

What Santa gives, not gets!

Nice note from a parent about Santa’s Birthday Gift!

I absolutely love Santa’s Birthday Gift. What a way to bring the two traditions together. You have such a way with words, it is like magic. Ashlyn would NEVER sit for a book before and now she actually begs me to read. If you would know Ashlyn, she is about as ADHD as any child can be so this is HUGE! I LOVE YOU and YOUR BOOKS. THANK YOU so much. It is like a gift on its own.