Monthly Archives: November 2020

Santa’s Birthday Gift is about what Santa Gives, Not Gets!

Hopefully everyone had a nice, if strange, Thanksgiving…and that you have a lot to be thankful for!  Now that Christmas is around the corner, it’s time to remind you of my special Christmas book, Santa’s Birthday Gift.  Often children need to be reminded that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child – not just that Santa will soon be bringing gifts!

One Christmas  I read the story of the Nativity to my then 4-year old granddaughter. When I got to the end, she looked at me and asked, “But where’s Santa?”  That night, the story of Santa’s Birthday Gift came to me in a dream… and the next day, when  I sat down to write it, the story unfolded with many little questions answered in a way a child could understand…

The story of the Nativity is told first, because that is the true meaning of Christmas.  The story continues with what happened at the North Pole when the toymaker, Santa Claus, saw the Star – and how he was able to fly to Bethlehem in a sleigh pulled by his reindeer! It shows Santa kneeling before Baby  Jesus and promising to bring toys to children each year in celebration of His birth – so  Christmas gifts are really birthday gifts for Jesus!   The story tells of Santa wanting to share his toys and gifts with the shepherds and Kings gathered in the stable, and discovering that his sack of toys never emptied!  So he was able to go out through the town and up in the sky to deliver his toys to all children.

Later, after the book was published, a parent wrote to me and said that after she read the story to her daughter, she responded, “Now I get it!”

So I hope that many of you will take a look at this special book, and understand that it is about what Santa gives…not gets.  Santa promises to bring gifts to children at Christmas time to celebrate the Christ Child’s birthday…

Please have a lovely Christmas…




Lovely Reaction from a Young Fan

Fun to get nice notes from friends who are sharing my children’s books.

“I lent all your children’s books to my sister for her 4 year old grandson and he loves them!  He is reading and teaching himself so he is really having a good time reading the books and looking for the characters.

Another success!”
One of the advantages of working with my awesome illustrator, Kalpart Illustrations, is that I have been able to use characters repeatedly in each of the different stories, resulting in a “classroom of kids” throughout the books.
It makes me smile when reading to a group of children when a student randomly exclaims “Look! There’s Gimme-Jimmy!” when that character appears in one of the illustrations.
Each book has a subliminal message of thinking of others, and children learn to treat others with respect and friendship and inclusion.  Each book includes characters of color and ethnicity as well, so that every child can find himself/herself in the book.
What a wonderful world this could be!!!


Bedtime Read Favorite – The Magic Word – Please Read!

Please Read

I love to get photos of kids enjoying my books… Here’s a young fan reading one of his favorites… Please do the same!!

One of my favorite reviews:

“This book has to be the best book to teach about how to treat others. My grandbaby, who I have custody of, was trying to be a bully and then we read Sherrill’s book to her. She loved this book and I believe that the message finally clicked in her little brain and she got it. Now, she wants this particular book read to her everyday. She has all of the books from Sherrill Cannon and she loves them all. My 15 year old loves them also. We all enjoy reading them, she is like the modern day Dr Seuss. Ashlyn, my grand daughter, would not sit down to listen to a full book before Sherrill’s books and now she loves books. Thank you Sherrill.”