Monthly Archives: May 2019

5-Star Review for My Fingerpaint Masterpiece from Amanda Thrasher

Readers Favorite Gold Medal Childrens K-3 and also Illustrations Award!

What fun to be able to share my children’s books, first with children and later with grandchildren!  I was so delighted to receive this lovely review for My Fingerpaint Masterpiece from author and publisher Amanda Thrasher. She even shared a photo of her adorable granddaughter with me!

Here is her 5-Star Review:

“It’s plain to see My Fingerpaint Masterpiece is a beautifully illustrated picture book, narrated in the most delightful rhyming way! However, what I found while reading it to my granddaughter was the important gentle life lesson that was woven masterfully between the lines.
Many children, though they may love to express themselves with arts and crafts, can feel disappointed with one glance at the ‘masterpieces’ they’ve so carefully created. Frustrated, they set their work aside and hide their overwhelming feeling of disappointment as they compare their work to their classmates.
This book teaches children that art truly IS in the eyes of the beholder. It’s expressive and an expression of themselves, as they express their feelings, thoughts, or whatever they would like through the art that they create. Creativity via paint, materials, or words, should always be encouraged and can be a beautiful escape for children of all ages. I highly recommend this book.”

(And here is her adorable granddaughter!)

Amanda’s 4 yr old Grand

Amanda is the author of many award-winning children’s books including her Mushroom Patch Mischief series, plus her outstanding Y/A books The Greenlee Project, Bitter Betrayal and her most recent, Captain Fin.  (I think I may have become a Young Adult!!!)

Amanda is also the Chief Executive Officer at Progressive Rising Phoenix Press.


A Lovely Review for A Dime is a Sign – thank you Marta Moran Bishop!

A Dime is a Sign: Poems of Love and Loss (Feelings Into Words) by Sherrill S. Cannon walks us through emotions that we all feel.

It is a glorious collection of some of the most beautiful poems of our generation.

There wasn’t one that didn’t strike some cord in my heart and soul, to lie there and make me weep for loss or fill my heart with the glory of love.

Some of those that struck me the deepest were ‘Wall of Apprehension,’ a poem of fear to allow another in. Perhaps, the other will reject what you are, or you will feel by their response that you were a bother. ‘You, Friendship – I Love,’ helped me to realize that my shutting others out, for fear that my gestures would be mistaken for something else and I would find despair in the trying. And ‘Premature Goodbye,’ hit a chord deep in me for all those that I walked away from or that walked away from me, without the chance of explanation or renewal.

Ms. Cannon, outdid herself ‘A Dime is a Sign’ for she speaks directly to our hearts and souls. Whether it be a love poem or a poem of loss and sadness, this book holds something that will touch everyone.

It is a book to be cherished, reread, and savored time and again, for, in it, we will find our common humanity, our dreams of love, fear of loss and rejection, the joy of being, and we will grow more fully as humans.