Category Archives: eBook

Previous Note from eBook Manager…

I found a previous note from my eBook Publisher about a program several of my children’s ebooks were included in, and thought I’d take a look at updated numbers.

The ebooks were part of a program donating children’s ebooks to teachers in underprivileged areas… This note was from 5 years ago, so I looked at the updated numbers today (even though I don’t think the program is still happening…).

The top ebooks shared most often, with updated numbers:

The Magic Word – 10,243, Manner-Man – 4607,  Gimme-Jimmy – 2512,

Peter and the Whimper-Whineys – 1336 and Santa’s Birthday Gift – 1472

Note received:  “Hi Sherrill.

No, you are not competing with yourself. Teachers get copies for the kids in their classes and Amazon donates Kindles for those kids. The large numbers mean that the teachers find your books to be written well enough to use in the classroom. If anything, I think it speaks to how good your books are. If you have an outlet for promoting your titles, you could use those large numbers to let people know well received your titles are in the program. I don’t know if you can use the …program name without permission, but you could say that x number of copies of your books have been donated to underprivileged school children around the world and are used in classroom settings. I think that would be OK to say without violating any copyrights. If you add up all the free give-a-way copies from the last year or so for all your titles, it should be a pretty high number.  Just a thought.”


Lovely Review for A Dime is a Sign


 A psychic medium once said that if you find a random dime, it is a sign that someone that you have loved and lost is thinking of you.


A Dime is a Sign Through Time

If you find a dime,
You will know that I’m
Sending thoughts of love
Through the veil of time.

Ten cents with a silver shine,
A sense sent you to help remind
That someone who left you behind
Is always living in your mind.

Sending love and vibes,
Felt as psychic sighs …
The ones that you miss,
Send you a kiss …

Sherrill S. Cannon’s second book of poetry contains messages written through the years in poetic form that put feelings into words. As a teacher, many of her poems helped counsel troubled teens and friends.

5.0 out of 5 stars THE FINEST POEMS OF OUR GENERATION Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2019 Verified Purchase – A Dime is a Sign: Poems of Love and Loss (Feelings Into Words) by Sherrill S. Cannon walks us through emotions that we all feel.
It is a glorious collection of some of the most beautiful poems of our generation.
There wasn’t one that didn’t strike some cord in my heart and soul, to lie there and make me weep for loss or fill my heart with the glory of love.
Some of those that struck me the deepest were ‘Wall of Apprehension,’ a poem of fear to allow another in. Perhaps, the other will reject what you are, or you will feel by their response that you were a bother. ‘You, Friendship – I Love,’ helped me to realize that my shutting others out, for fear that my gestures would be mistaken for something else and I would find despair in the trying. And ‘Premature Goodbye,’ hit a chord deep in me for all those that I walked away from or that walked away from me, without the chance of explanation or renewal.
Ms. Cannon, outdid herself ‘A Dime is a Sign’ for she speaks directly to our hearts and souls. Whether it be a love poem or a poem of loss and sadness, this book holds something that will touch everyone.
It is a book to be cherished, reread, and savored time and again, for, in it, we will find our common humanity, our dreams of love, fear of loss and rejection, the joy of being, and we will grow more fully as humans.


Lovely Surprise Review for A Dime is a Sign from Crystal View Academy

I was so delighted to discover this lovely international review of my poetry book, A Dime is a Sign, posted by reviewer and Irish friend, Crystal McClean…

A Dime is a Sign: Poems of Love and Loss

A wee while ago Sherrill S. Cannon published her second book of poetry, A Dime is a Sign, as a companion to A Penny For Your Thoughts. It’s an empathetical book (not an autobiography), but the way she puts her “Feelings Into Words” (the byline of the book), you can imagine yourself in the emotional roller coaster of love.

A Dime is a Sign Reviewed by Castle View Academy

I was very touched by Sherrill including me in her list of “special mention and many memories” section of her Thank You page, it really means a lot to me, to have ‘met’ Sherrill not long after I first began blogging and have formed a friendship with her, which isn’t something that happens often. Thank you, Sherrill, for almost a decade of friendship!

Sherrill has been writing mainly children’s books over the past decade, but now has 2 adult poetry books under her belt, along with (at last count) 85 awards for her books – wow! That is definitely an accomplishment not many writers receive, and is a testament to her skills.

A Dime is a Sign is divided into three main topics:

A Dime is a Sign is a collection of over 150 poems within the themes of

  • HEADS…Of Love And Friendship
  • SPINNING – Of Related Emotions
  • TAILS…of Heartache and Anguish

Here’s a sample of the poetry, the piece upon which the name of the book was based:

A Dime is a Sign Through Time

If you find a dime,

You will know that I’m

Sending thoughts of love

Through the veil of time.

Ten cents with a silver shine,

A sense sent you to help remind

That someone who left you behind

Is always living in your mind.

Sending love and vibes,

Felt as psychic sighs…

The ones that you miss,

Send you a kiss…

Sherrill S. Cannon

In her children’s books, Sherrill is well known for her rhyming prose, but in her poetry, much of it does rhyme, but there are other forms as well. And like love, some poems are short and sweet, while others are longer and more complex.

Forever by Sherrill S Cannon

I found that sometimes I would simply sit and read a poem or two during the day, and at other times I would read several in the evening before falling asleep to relax and quieten my brain while waiting for slumber to find me.

Most of the poems are written in the first person so it’s easy to put yourself in the soul of the poem and many of them will have your own memories brought back into the present. Happy memories, as well as some that would better be forgotten, but are still a part of you.

If you enjoy the poetry of love, I’d encourage you to purchase A Dime Is A Sign, sit back, and enjoy the melancholy of the past and the hope of the future while living for the love of today.

If you’re interested in purchasing  A Dime IS A Sign , it’s available through:

  • Amazon
  • Great bookstores near you

Don’t forget to have a look into Sherrill’s other books:

Poetry books:

Children’s books:

If you like what you see, you can find out more about Sherrill on her webpage, follow her on Facebook or Twitter, or learn more about raising money for the JM Foundation.

Wonderful Review from Midwest Book Review for David’s ADHD

Midwest Book Review

I am so thrilled to share that David’s ADHD has received a lovely review from the prestigious Midwest Book Review.  This results in more exposure with distribution to libraries as well, which means more children, parents and teachers can have access to sharing ways to help children with ADHD develop coping skills and achieve much needed social skills with additional friendships and classroom inclusion.

Children’s Bookwatch: May 2020
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive, Oregon, WI 53575
The Health Shelf
David’s ADHD
Sherrill S. Cannon, author
Kalpart, illustrated
Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency
9781950860432, $12.50, PB, 28pp,
David is a young boy who manages his ADHD with the help of classmates in “David’s ADHD”. David discovers ways to cope with his hyperactive brain, while learning how to calm and soothe his ADHD. Solutions include setting daily schedules and following simple rules that regulate behavior. His teachers and therapists encourage using the computer for academic advancement, and to establish a pattern for study as well as for occasional recreation. David not only learns self-control and communication skills, but is able to fit into the classroom and make friends. Very highly recommended for children ages 6-8, “David’s ADHD” is an effective, informative, and charmingly entertaining addition for any family, elementary school, or community library collection. It should be noted for personal reading lists that “David’s ADHD” is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $4.99).
Please help share this book, and help these kids develop!!!
Thanks so much, Midwest Book Review!!!



David’s ADHD Wins Bronze in eLit eBook Awards!

So pleased to share that David’s ADHD has won a Bronze Medal in the 2020 eLit eBook AwardsChildren’s All Ages category…

This is the 8th Award for David’s ADHD, but the first for the eBook version.

I hope this book will help many children, parents and teachers to recognize ADHD – and lead to more understanding and inclusion in classrooms and neighborhoods…so that ADHD can be All Day Happy Day!!





Note from the Parents of the Original David

I received the following note from the parents of the David for whom David’s ADHD was written.  (After I had read one of my children’s stories to him, he told me that he wished there were a book for kids like him…)



…”The story has stood the test of time.  Kids grow and have a mind of their own.  You hope the foundation in childhood provides the basis for their life. We all have gifts and struggles and when you think about it on a grand scheme, it makes accepting different ideas and ways a bit easy to understand differences.  Every parent/grandparent knows and feels this and I think even more as we age.
Thank you for writing the book and we hope it helps others.”
Thank you, Sally and Marty, for sharing!


Thanks Kalpart Illustrations for Adding New Awards to the Cover of David’s ADHD

Thanks so much to the awesome illustrator of all of my award-winning books, Kalpart Illustrations, for adding the newest awards to the cover.

I am always very happy to have my books “judged by its cover”!!

Meet David, one of my “Classroom of Kids,” who manages his ADHD with the help of classmates. Friends from previous books are featured. In fact, David has been part of the class for a long time! The book has received a Gold Medal in the Book Excellence Awards, two Silver Medals for both Children’s Early Readers and Poetry from Feathered Quill Book awards, Winner of Barefoot Librarian Award as well as the Silver Medal for Early Readers from Reviewer’s Choice Awards and a Pinnacle Achievement Award!

ISBN: 978-1-950860-43-2 – $12.50


Whining at Home? Read Your Child the Whine-Stopper

No More Whining!

A brief reminder of one of my best-selling books, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys!

Is social distancing affecting your children?  Is your child whining more than usual???

Here’s a fun way to stop that whining!!

Read Peter and the Whinper-Whineys to your child, using your normal voice for the story but WHINING every time Peter or the Whimper-Whineys are whining… Your child will get the message!!!

Tristan and Kallista love my books…

Peter and the Whimper-Whineys was a 2011 USA Best Books Finalist as well as a Bronze Medal Winner in the 2011 Readers Favorite Awards.  (This was the first year I started entering the Award Contests… Now my awards total 85… I’ve been very fortunate, and am very grateful…)

By the way, this story of Peter and the Whimper-Whineys is based on a story my mother told to me and my brother when we were little (a very long time ago!) and passed down to our children.  I audio-taped (see how long ago this was?) her telling the story, and then put it into rhyme (my favorite thing to do) – and eventually it was beautifully illustrated by Kalpart Illustrations (as are all my books) and published by SBPRA... Now, thousands of books later, the rest is history (and lots of whining has been stiopped)!!

Special Review of David’s ADHD from a 6th grader…

Lovely 5th grader Review

I received this lovely, mature review for David’s ADHD from a 6th grade budding author… It is wonderful to learn that she is able to relate.



David’s ADHD – by Nell – a 6th grade student 

“I’ve been meaning to share my thoughts with you about your book, David’s ADHD. I recently read it on the kindle, and I really enjoyed it! I love how you make each part rhyme! I also appreciated how you talked about how he was learning to cope with and accept his condition at the end of the story. That is something that I think about as well, having a disease of my own.

I felt that I was really able to connect with David’s feelings in the story. The way you describe his experience really conveys his true feelings. He must have experienced lots of frustration at first, as I did as well, but sometimes these hard things make us better people. In the end, I think that David learned to better understand himself as a learner, and just as a person, after going through those obstacles in the beginning.

Thank you so much for sharing your book with me! I really enjoyed reading it.


I hope this book will help other kids and their parents, caregivers and teachers!  Please share…



Thank you Maritza M Mejia for the Lovely Endorsement

Many thanks to Maritza M. Mejia for the lovely post about David’s ADHD

Lovely Review

 ” David’s ADHD with excellent rhyme by author Sherrill S. Cannon and colorful illustrations by Kalpart introduces the subject of ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) in an easy way. It clearly explains why they behave as they do and what challenges they face. I learned that medication is not the only treatment for ADHD. It is a great tool not only for children, but also to caregivers who work with kids like David.
I particularly liked how the book includes other characters from previous books and develops David’s progress as his parents consults with doctors, work on his new schedule, excels on his computer skills and finds ways to calm and sooth David’s active behavior.
I most highly recommended David’s ADHD. We welcome David’s ADHD on my special shelf!”

She also suggests some activities to use with the book to engage the students.

This makes my heart smile!!