Monthly Archives: June 2019

America’s 50andWe Test… Happy July 4th…

As we move toward the July 4th Weekend, I’d like to share my patriotic poem

Please remember that we are the UNITED States of America!!!


America’s 50andWe Test

I made the grade, I passed the test –

I’m standing out from all the rest

I got my test results today…

Please let me tell you what they say:


They say I’m white and red and brown,

Some black and yellow also found…

I’m Christian, Muslim, Islam, Jew

And Atheist is in there too.


I’m male and female sometimes both,

Part is grown and some needs growth…

I’m young and old and in between,

And sometimes nice and sometimes mean.


I’m part of all, and all of us,

Composing all of our U.S…

Republican or Democrat,

We must unite, be proud of that


Which makes us strong and makes us free

To be the best that we can be…

The 50 states that makes us “we”

Our land of love and liberty!


….Sherrill S. Cannon

Lovely Surprise Review for My Little Angel from Reviewer Naila Moon

Multi-Award Winner

What a lovely surprise to receive a note from Naila Moon, letting me know that she had written a review for My Little Angel…   I’m so happy to share this wonderful review!



“It has been awhile since I have read and reviewed one of Sherrill Cannon’s books, I am so glad I have for today. As with all her books, there are lessons to be learned that children as well as adults should get. This time the author approaches the subject of doing the right things. The “moral” compass is directed by the angel, Angela, who helps the girl take care of herself, her pets, and others.

As with all the books I have read from this author, her poetry is top notch and the illustrations that go with it always match well. Her illustrator is fantastic and she uses the same one throughout all of her books which brings a consistency and one I have come to expect.

In the back of the book she notes that she has hidden some of her previous books within the pages. She invites the reader to see if they can be found. This too is a consistency throughout her books and I enjoy (as kids would) looking for the hidden books. There are also questions to help the reader come to fully understand the theme of the book. The questions are well thought out and purposely directed. I know that this comes from the years of teaching the author did.

Once again this is a book that should be on the “must read” list.

5 stars from me!”

She also sent me a nice note about her review, with the lovely news that she will also be reviewing The Golden Rule!


Happy 2019 Flag Day! The Re-United States of America

Happy Flag Day!  Yesterday the combined 4th grade Classes of Churchville Elementary School performed the 2nd Annual performance of our play, The Re-United States of America, by Sherrill S. Cannon and Kerry E. Gallagher.  It was very special to collaborate with my daughter for another production of this play for the students who are learning about the United States and their Capitals in such a special way. We gathered information about each state and capital and transformed it into rhyme.

The play is narrated by the local radio weather forecaster, who explains that severe weather conditions have separated the states and their capitals, and they have to strive to re-unite them.  The meteorologist helps explain, and interjects a lot of funny riddles as the play progresses.  Each student presents a rhyming couplet about a state, with a partner who identifies the capital and special features. Many songs are interspersed throughout, and the play concludes with the wonderful Tour the States YouTube video and amazing song sung by all the students.  (These kids will NEVER forget the states and capitals!)

This photo was taken at the morning performance for the entire school, which was followed by a performance for family and friends in the evening.

This is our sixth joint play production, five of which have been published by Lazy Bee Scripts and performed internationally in over 25 countries including the U.S., Canada and the U.K. All of our plays are written so that every child has his/her own lines and a special moment to shine, and are for elementary school students K-4.

For further information,

A Dime is a Sign Has a New Trailer!

I am so thrilled to share the lovely trailer for A Dime is a Sign, prepared for me by a friend…


A Dime is a Sign is available at amazon Amazon eBook  and Barnes and Noble

Thank you to Brynmor Productions for the Trailer


Fun to See my “Manners Trilogy” Selling so Well

Manner-Man the Superhero

I’ve enjoyed seeing interest and sales, especially for Manner-Man which was written in response to my then 4-yr-old grandson’s request for a book about a Superhero.  Manner-Man is a Superhero who teaches children how to believe in themselves and to stand up for others. Manner-Man is a winner of 10 Awards, including the CLIPP Principals’ Award. The book was a direct follow-up to The Magic Word and Gimme-Jimmy, and uses the characters from both former books.

Please and Thank You

The Magic Word, winner of 5 Awards, encourages the use of “Please” and “Thank-You” in the life of a child, Elisabeth is a child whose selfishness has caused her to not have many friends… She learns how to share by being polite and thinking of others… Her Mom tells her, “I think you’ll find out you’ll be happier too, If you think more of others and less about you.”


How A Bully Learns to Share!

Gimme-Jimmy is about how a bully learns to share… and is also the winner of 5 Awards.  Jimmy is rude and says “Gimme” a lot, and his father warns him that his hand might enlarge every time he says the word. Jimmy discovers his “Polite Rule” as his hand shrinks back to normal. (It was also fun to write a story about a child and his father!)


All three books I consider my “Manners Trilogy”, and I am very pleased that they have become very popular –  which is especially encouraging in today’s world!  Kindness and thinking of others is a constant theme.

Many of the characters also have been included my other children’s books… Look for them in The Golden Rule too!!

Winner of 9 Awards

(All of my books have been Illustrated by Kalpart Illustrations… and published by SBPRA)

My other children’s books include Santa’s Birthday Gift, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys, My Fingerpaint Masterpiece, Mice & Spiders & Webs…Oh My!, My Little Angel, and poetry books A Penny for Your Thoughts and A Dime is a Sign.  All are available on  and