Interview with Linda Weaver Clarke is Live!

My Little Angel Arrives!

My interview with Linda Clark went live today!

Please check out the interview and leave a comment… There is a giveaway!

Linda Weaver Clarke Interview

My Little Angel is Sherrill S. Cannon’s 9th children’s book. All her books stress consideration for others, and subliminally teach children to be nice to each other – and they have received 46 Awards.  A former teacher, she has 10 grandchildren, the youngest of which is the little girl in this new book.  She’s happy that she has such a talented illustrator!!

Welcome to my blog. Please tell us about your children’s book, My Little Angel.

Does your child have a Guardian Angel? Please share a day in the life of this little girl, while her little guardian angel Angela sits on her shoulder and keeps her safe and guides her throughout her various activities throughout her day.  This includes getting ready for school, crossing the street, being polite and kind to her friends, learning her lessons, fastening seatbelts while traveling, being aware of stranger-danger, praying for her pets, and reminding her constantly that she is loved.

Where did you get your inspiration for this story?

I believe in angels, and that they are everywhere.  I often think of one riding on my own shoulder, so I wanted to share this idea with some slightly younger readers.

Your children’s books always rhyme and I love that. Will you please quote a few of your favorite lines from this book?

Wherever I go, and whatever I do,

Angela’s with me to say, “I love you.”

She’s always beside me, away or at home—

So sometimes I’m lonely, but never alone.

That’s beautiful. Tell me about one of the main characters and what you love about him or her?

There are only two main characters: the little girl and Angela, her Guardian Angel.

There are other familiar characters and book covers from previous books within the illustrations, but the little girl tells the story of Angela and how they interact throughout a day…  I love everything about both of them!!!

Where is your website so my readers can check out your recent and past books that you have written?

My website is and my author site is

Thank you for this wonderful interview, Sherrill. I hope my readers will check out your children’s book.

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