The Golden Rule Coloring Book Wins Silver Medal at FAPA Awards


Silver Medal for The Golden Rule Coloring Book at FAPA 22

Winner of 7 Awards (so far) The Golden Rule Coloring Book – A coloring book version of the popular The Golden Rule suggests ways children can learn to be kind to each other. Identical to the original book, the illustrations are in black and white outlines so that young readers can create their own version of the story.  What if everyone treated others the way that they themselves would like to be treated?  Perhaps today’s youngsters can figure it out!!! The book was a Winner in Coloring Books in the Book Excellence Awards, Feathered Quill Awards Finalist in Poetry, Honorable Mention Award in the Royal Dragonfly Awards as well as the Purple Dragonfly Awards, a Finalist Award in Activity Books in the Next Gen Indie Book Awards, Finalist in Activity Books in the National Indie Excellence and is a Silver Medal Winner in the FAPA Awards

ISBN 978-1-68235-338-7 – $10.95




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